ich hab mich mal auf die suche nach ein paar neuen mod's und addons für cod client & server gemacht und dabei doch ein paar nette sachen gefunden, vielleicht ist was interessantes für euch dabei......
Codplayersearch [ Download ]
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Title : Player Search for CoD
Date : November 2, 2003
Version : 1.0
Filename : zzzzz_playersearch.pk3
Author : MAD Mike
Description : This little mod adds a Find Friend button to the Join Server menu so you can easily find friends and clanmates. enjoy
Automatic TeamBalance Mod for COD [ Download ]
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Automatic TeamBalance Mod for COD
Created by MPowell1944
Description :
This mod automatically balances the teams whenever players try to join a team. No matter what team they select, the server will always auto-assign them, resulting in balanced teams almost all the time.
This mod works for TDM SD and RE gametypes. Also, if you have another mod which modifies the .gsc gametype files, this and/or any other mod using them will not be compatible with each other. Remember this.
Ckr For Cod Beta [ Download ]
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Installation Instructions
1. Unzip the downloaded file CKR_CoDbeta.zip
2. Place the zCKRbeta.pk3 file in your c:\program files\call of duty\main directory
3. Restart your serve
How to Use the Mod
As soon as you restart your server with the pak file in the main directory, the weapon settings will be in effect. If you would like to remove player's crosshairs or HUDs, you can use CKR to to monitor player settings and reset them as needed. During testing, we found CoD with a clean interface to be the most realistic combat FPS ever released. CKR monitoring of the interface is turned on and off by a cvar (ckr_monitor), and what it does when monitoring is controlled by other cvars. To use this feature, please follow these steps:
1. Modify your server's config file to set the following cvars:
ckr_crosshair = set to 1 to turn crosshairs off, 0 to allow crosshairs
ckr_hud = set to 1 to turn HUDs off, 0 to allow HUDs
ckr_monitor = set to 1 to enforce crosshair and HUD settings, 0 to stop enforcing settings
2. When the server is running, you can turn player monitoring on and off by setting ckr_monitor in your console. For example, typing "/rcon mypassword ckr_monitor 1" will turn monitoring on.
CKR attempts to inform players that it is turning their settings off but, depending on what the player is doing, they may not see the message, Be prepared to answer your player's questions. If you are a player on a CKR server, you can check the version of CKR running on the server by typing "/ckr_ver" in your console.
What Does CKR for CoD Change?
CKR makes the following modifications:
- All weapons kill with a headshot
- Weapons shooting rifle rounds wil kill with a shot to the torso
- Weapons shooting pistol rounds (including SMGs) will kill with two shots to the torso
- It will take 3 to 4 shots to an extremity to kill a player
- Bashing will kill in two "whacks"
- Grenade throw distance has been shortened
- Grenade damage radius has been slightly increased
- Grenade damage has been slightly increased
- Grenade will cook (4 sec)
- Players have been slowed slightly (less like RtCW, more like MoHAA)
- Health paks have been removed
- Second primary weapon slot removed
What Will Be Different in the Official Release
We are working hard on creating a simple in game menu to control CKR, as well as creating some additional documentation for you on the exact changes to the weapons. The final release will (hopefully) not replace the games' default map scripts and be more "mod-dish" in terms of CoD's support for mods. We will also be remaking revisions to weapon settings based on your feedback.
Hammer CoD fix [ Download ]
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Server sided mod to adjust bomb times and remove the killcam.
COD Server Config Program [ Download ]
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COD Server config automation program. Just fill in the blanks and hit save. Default values are given for the first timers in setting up a server.
This is not a very sophisticated program but it does serve a purpose.
Look for programs by us. Clan Man, Clan Man 2, Clan Man Deluxe.
Look for more titles and game applications for the CLAN MAN series programmers.
Questions, comments, and ideas are welcome at clanman@x-battle.com
Och, dös is mir relativ wurscht. Weil: Solange es kein G43 oder ein K43 für das Spiel geben wird... isses unfair. Und außerdem brauch ich keinen Realmod. Ich zocks ja gar nicht. Aber wenn jede Gewehrkugel tödlich wirkt... ist das M1 eine furchterregende Waffe...
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